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General purpose functions


Use acquire-module-admin to grant module admin privileges for a particular module m. You must already own admin for this particular module; that is, you must either be the owner of the keyset that grants the governance, or be able to pass the governance capability acquisition.

Basic syntax

Assume you have some module

(module my-module gov  (defcap gov ()    (do-stuff-for-governance)  ))
(module my-module gov  (defcap gov ()    (do-stuff-for-governance)  ))

To grant module admin, use

(acquire-module-admin some-module)
(acquire-module-admin some-module)

It will attempt to acquire the governance cap and if successful, it will grant module admin for the rest of the transaction.


Use one of the following argument to define the value you want to retrieve using the at Pact function.

refmodrefSpecifies the module to acquire administrative capabilities for.

Return values

Module admin acquisition will either fail, or return "Module admin for module acquired"


See: Basic Syntax.


Use at to retrieve the value at the location specified by an index number or by a key string in a collection. If you specify an index number, the collection must be a list of values. If you specify a key string, the collection must be an object.

Basic syntax

Because at is an overloaded function, there are two ways to use it. To get a value using the specified index location from a list of values, use the following syntax:

(at index [list])
(at index [list])

To get a value using the specified key string from an object, use the following syntax:

(at key {object})
(at key {object})


Use one of the following argument to define the value you want to retrieve using the at Pact function.

indexintegerSpecifies the information you want to retrieve. If you specify an index number, the function returns the value from that location in a list of values.
list[integer or decimal]Specifies the list of values to retrieve the value from using the specified index location.
keystringSpecifies the information you want to retrieve. If you specify a key string, the function returns the value corresponding to that key from an object.
objectobjectSpecifies the set of key and value pairs to retrieve the value from using the specified key.

Return values

The at function returns the value found at the specified index or using the specified key.

The return value can be any data type.


The following example returns the value found at the index location—starting with 0—from a list of values. For example, the value at index location 3 is 14:

(at  3 [20 18 16 14 12 10])14
(at  3 [20 18 16 14 12 10])14

You can use the at function to return any type of data from a list. For example:

(at 1 ["blue","green","red","yellow"])"green"
(at 1 ["blue","green","red","yellow"])"green"

The following example returns the value found at the specified key from an object:

(at "last-name" { "first-name": "maya", "last-name": "tea"})"tea"
(at "last-name" { "first-name": "maya", "last-name": "tea"})"tea"

You can use the at function to return any type of data using the specified key from an object. For example:

(at "chainId" { "networkId": "development", "chainId": 1, "auth": 0})1
(at "chainId" { "networkId": "development", "chainId": 1, "auth": 0})1


Use base64-decode to convert a previously-encoded string from unpadded base64 encoding to a string.

Basic syntax

To decode a string from unpadded base64 encoding, use the following syntax:

(base64-decode string)
(base64-decode string)


Use the following argument to specify the string to decode using the base64-decode Pact function.

stringstringSpecifies the base64-encoded string to decode.

Return values

The base64-decode function returns the decoded string.


The following example decodes a base64-encoded "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh" string to the decoded "hello world!" string in the Pact REPL:

pact> (base64-decode "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")"hello world!"
pact> (base64-decode "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")"hello world!"


Use base64-encode to convert the specified string to an unpadded base64-encoded string.

Basic syntax

To encode a string as unpadded base64, use the following syntax:

(base64-encode string)
(base64-encode string)


Use the following argument to specify the string to encode using the base64-encode Pact function.

stringstringSpecifies the string to encode as unpadded base64.

Return values

The base64-encode function returns the unpadded base64 encoded string.


The following example converts the "hello world!" into the unpadded base64-encoded string "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh" in the Pact REPL:

pact> (base64-encode "hello world!")"aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh"
pact> (base64-encode "hello world!")"aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh"


Use bind to evaluate a src object, then apply the specified bindings to bind field variables to values over subsequent body statements.

Basic syntax

To evaluate src to an object and bind it with bindings over subsequent body statements, use the following syntax:

(bind src bindings)
(bind src bindings)


Use the following arguments to specify the src object and bindings for the bind special form.

srcobject:{row}Specifies the source object to evaluate.
bindingsbinding:{row}Specifies the bindings to apply to the src object.

Return values

The bind returns the result of evaluating the src object with the specifies bindings. The data type depends on the data type of the field you specify for the bindings argument.


The following example demonstrates the bind special form in the Pact REPL:

pact> (bind { "a": 1, "b": 2 } { "a" := a-value } a-value)1
pact> (bind { "a": 1, "b": 2 } { "a" := a-value } a-value)1

In this example, bind evaluates the object { "a": 1, "b": 2 } and binds the value of "a" to a-value. It then returns the value 1, which is the value bound to a-value.


Use chain-data to retrieve the blockchain-specific public metadata for a transaction. This function returns an object with the following fields:

  • chain-id: The chain identifier (0-19) for the blockchain where the transaction was executed.
  • block-height: The height of the block that includes the transaction.
  • block-time: The timestamp of the block that includes the transaction.
  • prev-block-hash: The hash of the previous block.
  • sender: The sender of the transaction.
  • gas-limit: The gas limit for the transaction.
  • gas-price: The gas price for the transaction.
  • gas-fee: The gas fee for the transaction.

Basic syntax

To retrieve the public metadata for a transaction using chain-data, use the following syntax:



You can use the chain-data function without arguments in code that identifies the transaction that you want to return metadata for.

Return values

The chain-data function returns the public metadata for a transaction as an object with the following fields

chain-idstringThe chain identifier (0-19) for the blockchain where the transaction was executed.
block-heightintegerThe height of the block that includes the transaction.
block-timetimeThe timestamp of the block that includes the transaction.
prev-block-hashstringThe hash of the previous block.
senderstringThe sender of the transaction.
gas-limitintegerThe gas limit for the transaction.
gas-pricedecimalThe gas price for the transaction.
gas-feedecimalThe gas fee for the transaction.


If you call the chain-data function in the Pact REPL without providing a transaction context in the surrounding code, the function returns the object with placeholder fields. For example:

{"block-height": 0,"block-time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","chain-id": "","gas-limit": 0,"gas-price": 0.0,"prev-block-hash": "","sender": ""}
{"block-height": 0,"block-time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z","chain-id": "","gas-limit": 0,"gas-price": 0.0,"prev-block-hash": "","sender": ""}

If you provide context for the call, the function returns an object with fields similar to the following:

pact> (chain-data){  "chain-id": "3",  "block-height": 4357306,  "block-time": "2024-06-06 20:12:56 UTC",  "prev-block-hash": "33caae279bd584b655283b7d692d7e7b408d6549869c5eb6dcf2dc60021c3916",  "sender": "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4,  "gas-limit": 2320,  "gas-price": 1.9981e-7,  "gas-fee": 726}
pact> (chain-data){  "chain-id": "3",  "block-height": 4357306,  "block-time": "2024-06-06 20:12:56 UTC",  "prev-block-hash": "33caae279bd584b655283b7d692d7e7b408d6549869c5eb6dcf2dc60021c3916",  "sender": "k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4,  "gas-limit": 2320,  "gas-price": 1.9981e-7,  "gas-fee": 726}

In most cases, you use chain-data in Pact modules or in combination with frontend libraries to return information in the context of a specific transaction. The following example illustrates using chain-data in a Pact module to get the block time from a transaction:

(let ((curr-time:time (at 'block-time (chain-data))))
(let ((curr-time:time (at 'block-time (chain-data))))


CHARSET_ASCII is a constant used to indicate the standard ASCII character set.

Constant value

(CHARSET_ASCII:integer = 0)


The CHARSET_ASCII constant represents the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set, which is a widely used character encoding that includes 128 characters. It consists of control characters, digits, lowercase and uppercase English letters, and various symbols.

When working with functions or modules that require specifying a character set, you can use CHARSET_ASCII to indicate that the ASCII character set should be used.


CHARSET_LATIN1 is a constant used to indicate the standard Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) character set.

Constant value

(CHARSET_LATIN1:integer = 1)


The CHARSET_LATIN1 constant represents the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) character set, which is a widely used single-byte character encoding. It includes characters from various Western European languages.

When working with functions or modules that require specifying a character set, you can use CHARSET_LATIN1 to indicate that the Latin-1 character set should be used.


Use compose to compose functions where oper1 performs an operation using the specified value and oper2 takes the results from oper1 as input to produce the result for the composed function.

You can use any data type for the value argument as long as the first oper1 functions can take that same data type. By convention, the data type <a> is used to represent a type-bound parameter like the value argument in this function.

Basic syntax

To compose a function using oper1 and oper2 with the specified value, use the following syntax:

(compose oper1 oper2 value)
(compose oper1 oper2 value)


Use the following arguments to specify the functions oper1 and oper2 for composing with value using the compose Pact function.

oper1function: <a> -> <b>Specifies the first function to operate on the specified value and return a result to provide input to the second function.
oper2function: <b> -> <c>Specifies the second function to operate on the results of the oper1 function.
value<a>Specifies the value on which oper1 operates.

Return values

The compose function returns the result of applying oper2 to the result returned by oper1 for the specified value.


In the following example, compose uses the contains function to evaluate the specified list for a string, then uses the if function to operate on the results of the contains function to display the final result:

pact> (compose (contains "summer") (if true "Success!") ["spring" "summer" "fall" "winter"]) "Success!"
pact> (compose (contains "summer") (if true "Success!") ["spring" "summer" "fall" "winter"]) "Success!"


Use concat to take a list of strings str-list and concatenate each of the strings in the list, returning the resulting string.

Basic syntax

To concatenate each string in a list, use the following syntax:

(concat [str-list])
(concat [str-list])


Use the following argument to specify the list of strings str-list for the concat Pact function.

str-list[string]Specifies the list of strings to concatenate.

Return values

The concat function returns the resulting string after concatenating all the strings in the str-list.


The following example demonstrates the concat function in the Pact REPL:

pact>(concat ["k" "d" "a"])"kda"
pact>(concat ["k" "d" "a"])"kda"

In this example, concat takes the list ["k" "d" "a"] and concatenates each string in the list, resulting in the string "kda".

The following example shows how to concatenate a list of strings after mapping each element with a function:

pact>(concat (map (+ " ") (str-to-list "abcde")))"a b c d e"
pact>(concat (map (+ " ") (str-to-list "abcde")))"a b c d e"

In this example, (str-to-list "abcde") converts the string "abcde" into a list of characters ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"]. Then, (map (+ " ") ...) maps the function (+ " ") to each character, adding a space after each character. Finally, concat concatenates all the strings in the resulting list, producing the string "a b c d e".


Use constantly to lazily ignore the specified ignore arguments and return the specified vale.

Basic syntax

To lazily ignore arguments and return a value, use the following syntax:

(constantly value ignore1 ignore2 ...)
(constantly value ignore1 ignore2 ...)


Use the following arguments to specify the value to return and the ignore arguments for the constantly Pact function.

valueanySpecifies the value to return.
ignore1, ignore2, ...anySpecifies the arguments to ignore. You can have multiple ignore arguments (optional).

Return values

The constantly function returns the specified value, ignoring any additional arguments.


The following example demonstrates the constantly function in the Pact REPL:

pact> (filter (constantly true) [1 2 3])[1 2 3]
pact> (filter (constantly true) [1 2 3])[1 2 3]

In this example, constantly true is used as the predicate function for the filter function. The constantly function always returns true and ignores the elements of the [1 2 3] list argument, so the filter function always returns the entire list.

The following example illustrate specifying multiple arguments and argument using different data types:

pact> (constantly "hello" {"name": "Kris", "age": 45})"hello" pact> (constantly "world" 6 "ignore" "these" "arguments" [2.1 3.0])"world" pact> (constantly 42 "ignore" 123 "arguments")42
pact> (constantly "hello" {"name": "Kris", "age": 45})"hello" pact> (constantly "world" 6 "ignore" "these" "arguments" [2.1 3.0])"world" pact> (constantly 42 "ignore" 123 "arguments")42


Use contains to test whether a list contains a value, an object has a key entry, or a string contains a substring value.

Basic syntax

Because contains is an overloaded function, there are a few different ways to use it. To test whether a list contains a value, use the following syntax:

(contains value [list])
(contains value [list])

To test whether an object has a key entry, use the following syntax:

(contains key {object})
(contains key {object})

To test whether a string contains a substring value, use the following syntax:

(contains value string)
(contains value string)


Use the following arguments to specify the value, list, key, object, string for the contains Pact function.

valueanySpecifies the value to search for in a list or string.
list[any]Specifies the list to search for the specified value.
keyanySpecifies the key to check for in an object.
objectobjectSpecifies the object to check for the specified key.
stringstringSpecifies the string to search for the specified value.

Return values

The contains function returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified value or the specified key was found.


The following examples demonstrate the contains function in the Pact REPL.

To check whether a list contains a specified value:

pact> (contains 2 [1 2 3])true
pact> (contains 2 [1 2 3])true

In this example, the contains functions checks whether the value 2 is included in the [1 2 3] list. Because the list contains the specified value, the contains function returns true.

To check whether a specified object has 'name as a key field:

pact> (contains 'name { 'name: "Ted", 'age: 72 })true
pact> (contains 'name { 'name: "Ted", 'age: 72 })true

To check whether the string "foobar" contains the substring "foo",

pact> (contains "foo" "foobar")true
pact> (contains "foo" "foobar")true

In this example, contains "foo" "foobar" checks which it does, so it returns true.


Use continue to continue a previously-started multi-step transaction. Transactions that have multiple steps executed in a sequence are called pacts and are defined using the defpact keyword. Steps can be nested in defpact structures and the continue function enables you to continue execution with a specified value.

Basic syntax

To continue a previously-started defpact transaction, use the following syntax:

(continue value)
(continue value)


Use the following argument to specify the value to continue the nested defpact.

valueanySpecifies the value to continue the nested defpact.

Return values

The continue function continues the execution of the nested defpact with the specified value.


The following example demonstrates the use of continue within the context of a defpact to resume its execution with a specified value.

  (defpact transfer-crosschain:string    ( sender:string      receiver:string      receiver-guard:guard      target-chain:string      amount:decimal    )    (step       (with-capability (TRANSFER_XCHAIN sender receiver amount target-chain)        (install-capability (coin.TRANSFER sender receiver amount))        (coin.transfer-crosschain sender receiver receiver-guard target-chain amount)      )    )    (step      (continue (coin.transfer-crosschain sender receiver receiver-guard target-chain amount))    )  )
  (defpact transfer-crosschain:string    ( sender:string      receiver:string      receiver-guard:guard      target-chain:string      amount:decimal    )    (step       (with-capability (TRANSFER_XCHAIN sender receiver amount target-chain)        (install-capability (coin.TRANSFER sender receiver amount))        (coin.transfer-crosschain sender receiver receiver-guard target-chain amount)      )    )    (step      (continue (coin.transfer-crosschain sender receiver receiver-guard target-chain amount))    )  )


Use define-namespace to create a new namespace or update the guards of an existing namespace. The ownership and use of the namespace are controlled by the specified guards.

Note: This function can only be used at the top level of your code. It will fail if used within module code.

Basic syntax

To define the namespace namespace, use the following syntax:

(define-namespace namespace user-guard admin-guard)
(define-namespace namespace user-guard admin-guard)


Use the following arguments to specify the namespace and guards when using the define-namespace Pact function.

namespacestringSpecifies the name of the namespace to create or update.
user-guardguardSpecifies the guard that controls who can use the namespace.
admin-guardguardSpecifies the guard that controls the ownership and administrative tasks in the namespace.

Return value

The define-namespace function returns the name of the created or updated namespace as a string.


The following example creates a new namespace called 'my-namespace' with user and admin guards defined by the 'user-ks' and 'admin-ks' keysets, respectively:

(define-namespace 'my-namespace (read-keyset 'user-ks) (read-keyset 'admin-ks))
(define-namespace 'my-namespace (read-keyset 'user-ks) (read-keyset 'admin-ks))


Use describe-namespace to describe the specified namespace, returning a row object containing the user and admin guards of the namespace, as well as its name.

Basic syntax

To describe the namespace namespace, use the following syntax:

(describe-namespace namespace)
(describe-namespace namespace)


You must define a namespace with the define-namespace function before you can use the describe-namespace function. For information about defining a namespace, see define-namespace.


Use the following argument to specify the namespace for the describe-namespace Pact function.

namespacestringSpecifies the name of the namespace to describe.

Return values

The describe-namespace function returns an object with detailed information about the specified namespace.


The following example demonstrates the describe-namespace function:

pact> (env-data { "keyset": ["fake-key"]})"Setting transaction data"pact> (define-namespace 'my-namespace (read-keyset 'keyset) (read-keyset 'keyset))"Namespace defined: my-namespace"pact> (describe-namespace 'my-namespace)"admin-guard":KeySet {keys: [fake-key],pred: keys-all}, "namespace-name":"my-namespace", "user-guard":KeySet {keys: [ fake-key ],pred: keys-all}}
pact> (env-data { "keyset": ["fake-key"]})"Setting transaction data"pact> (define-namespace 'my-namespace (read-keyset 'keyset) (read-keyset 'keyset))"Namespace defined: my-namespace"pact> (describe-namespace 'my-namespace)"admin-guard":KeySet {keys: [fake-key],pred: keys-all}, "namespace-name":"my-namespace", "user-guard":KeySet {keys: [ fake-key ],pred: keys-all}}

In this example, (describe-namespace 'my-namespace) is used to describe the namespace named 'my-namespace'. The function returns a row object containing the user and admin guards of the namespace, as well as its name. This provides a detailed description of the specified namespace.


Use distinct to return a list with duplicates removed from a homogeneous list of values. The original order of the values is preserved.

Basic syntax

To return a list with duplicates removed from a list of values, use the following syntax:

(distinct [values])
(distinct [values])


Use the following argument to specify the list of VALUES for the distinct Pact function.

values[any]Specifies the list of values that includes duplicates.

Return values

The distinct function returns a list with duplicates removed from the specified list of values.


The following example demonstrates how to use the distinct function to remove duplicates from a list of numeric values:

pact>(distinct [3 3 1 1 2 2])[3, 1, 2]
pact>(distinct [3 3 1 1 2 2])[3, 1, 2]

The function returns [3 1 2], preserving the original order of the values.


Use drop to remove a specified number of values from a list, string, or object.

Basic syntax

Because drop is an overloaded function, there are two ways to use it. To remove the specified count number of values from a list or string, use the following syntax:

(drop count [list])
(drop count [list])

To remove the specified keys and corresponding values from an object or string, use the following syntax:

(drop keys {object})
(drop keys {object})


Use the following arguments to specify the count and list or keys and object for the drop Pact function:

countintegerSpecifies the number of values to drop from the list or a string.
list[any] or stringSpecifies the list (or string) from which to drop values.
keys[string]Specifies the keys to drop from the object.
objectobjectSpecifies the object from which to drop entries with specified keys.

Return values

The drop function returns the modified list, string, or object after removing the specified number of values or specified keys.


The following example demonstrates how to use the drop function to drop the first two characters from the specified string:

pact> (drop 2 "vwxyz")"xyz"
pact> (drop 2 "vwxyz")"xyz"

The following example illustrates how to drop the last two values from the specified list:

pact> (drop -2 [1 2 3 4 5])[1, 2, 3] 
pact> (drop -2 [1 2 3 4 5])[1, 2, 3] 

The following example drops the key 'name and its corresponding value from the specified object:

pact> (drop ['name] { 'name: "Vlad", 'active: false }){'active: false}
pact> (drop ['name] { 'name: "Vlad", 'active: false }){'active: false}


Use enforce-guard to execute a specified guard or a defined keyset named keysetname to enforce the predicate logic.

Basic syntax

To use a guard to enforce specific conditions defined in predicate logic, use the following syntax:

(enforce-guard guard)
(enforce-guard guard)

To use a defined keyset as a guard to enforce specific conditions defined in predicate logic, use the following syntax:

(enforce-guard keysetname)
(enforce-guard keysetname)


Use the following arguments to specify the guard or keysetname for the enforce-guard Pact function:

guardguardSpecifies the name of the guard to execute.
keysetnamestringSpecifies the name of the defined keyset to enforce.

Return values

The enforce-guard function returns a boolean value indicating whether the conditions specified in the predicate logic that the guard or keyset is there to enforce were met.


The following example demonstrates using the keyset guard named admin-keyset to enforce specific signing requirements defined in the keyset predicate function, for example with the keys-all or keys-2predicate:

(enforce-guard 'admin-keyset)
(enforce-guard 'admin-keyset)

In most cases, you use enforce-guard in the context of contract logic to ensure a specific condition is true before allowing a specific operation to be executed. For example, you might have logic to validate a sender account before allowing a transfer operation. You can then call the enforce-guard to ensure the sender meets the specified conditions—returning true as a result—before executing further logic:

(enforce-guard sender-guard)
(enforce-guard sender-guard)


Use enforce-one to run a series of tests in order (in a pure context, plus keyset enforces). If all tests fail, the transaction fails. This function short-circuits on the first successful test.

Basic syntax

To run a series of tests in order and short-circuit on the first successful test, use the following syntax:

(enforce-one msg tests)
(enforce-one msg tests)


Use the following arguments to specify the error message and tests for the enforce-one Pact function:

msgstringSpecifies the error message if all tests fail.
testsboolSpecifies the list of tests to run in order.

Return values

The enforce-one function returns true if at least one test succeeds. If all tests fail, the function fails the transaction with the specified error message.


The following example demonstrates the enforce-one function:

pact> (enforce-one "Should succeed on second test" [(enforce false "Skip me") (enforce (= (+ 2 2) 4) "Chaos reigns")])true
pact> (enforce-one "Should succeed on second test" [(enforce false "Skip me") (enforce (= (+ 2 2) 4) "Chaos reigns")])true

In this example, (enforce-one "Should succeed on second test" [(enforce false "Skip me") (enforce (= (+ 2 2) 4) "Chaos reigns")]) is used to run two tests in order. The first test is enforce false "Skip me", which fails intentionally. The second test is (enforce (= (+ 2 2) 4) "Chaos reigns"), which succeeds because 4 = 4 is true. Because the second test succeeds, the enforce-one function returns true.

If all tests had failed, the transaction would have failed with the specified error message "Should succeed on second test".


Use enforce-pact-version to enforce the runtime Pact version to be within a specified range, where the version is greater than or equal to the min-version argument and less than or equal to the max-version argument. The max-version argument is optional.

Version values are matched numerically from the left, meaning versions like '2', '2.2', and '2.2.3' would all allow '2.2.3'.

Basic syntax

To enforce the runtime Pact version within a specified range, use the following syntax:

(enforce-pact-version min-version max-version)
(enforce-pact-version min-version max-version)


Use the following arguments to specify the minimum and maximum Pact versions for the enforce-pact-version Pact function:

min-versionstringSpecifies the minimum Pact version to enforce.
max-versionstringSpecifies the maximum Pact version to enforce (optional).

Return values

The enforce-pact-version function returns a boolean value indicating whether the runtime Pact version is within the specified range.


The following example demonstrates how to use the enforce-pact-version function to ensure that the runtime Pact version is at least "4.10":

pact>(enforce-pact-version "4.10")true
pact>(enforce-pact-version "4.10")true

If the current Pact version is "4.10" or higher, the function returns true. If the Pact version is lower than "4.10" or you specify an invalid version, the function fails.

<interactive>:0:0:Error: Invalid pact version 4.10, minimum allowed: 4.4
<interactive>:0:0:Error: Invalid pact version 4.10, minimum allowed: 4.4

You can also specify a maximum Pact version:

pact>(enforce-pact-version "4.0" "4.10")true
pact>(enforce-pact-version "4.0" "4.10")true


Use enforce-verifier to enforce that a verifier plugin with the specified verifier-name is in scope.

Basic syntax

To enforce that a verifier is in scope, use the following syntax:

(enforce-verifier verifier-name)
(enforce-verifier verifier-name)


Use the following argument to specify the verifier-name for the enforce-verifier Pact function:

verifier-namestringSpecifies the name of the verifier to enforce.

Return values

The enforce-verifier function returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified verifier is in scope.


The following example demonstrates the enforce-verifier function:

pact> (enforce-verifier 'COOLZK)<interactive>:0:0:Error: Verifier failure COOLZK: not in transaction
pact> (enforce-verifier 'COOLZK)<interactive>:0:0:Error: Verifier failure COOLZK: not in transaction

In this example, (enforce-verifier 'COOLZK) is used to enforce that the verifier named 'COOLZK' is in scope. If the verifier 'COOLZK' is in scope, the function returns true. If the verifier is not in scope, the function fails. The enforce-verifier function provides a way to ensure that a specific verifier is available for use within a Pact contract.


Use enforce to test whether a pure expression evaluates to true or false. If the specified expression evaluates to true, the function returns true. If the specified expression evaluates to false, the function fails the transaction and displays the specified error message.

Basic syntax

To fail a transaction with a specified error message if an expression evaluates to false, use the following syntax:

(enforce expression message)
(enforce expression message)


Use the following arguments to specify the test expression and error message for the enforce Pact function:

expressionboolSpecifies the expression to evaluate.
messagestringSpecifies the error message to display if the expression evaluates as false.

Return values

The enforce function returns true if the specified expression is true. If the expression is false, the function fails the transaction with the specified error message.


The following example demonstrates how to use the enforce function to evaluate the expression (+ 2 2) != 4:

pact> (enforce (= (+ 2 2) 4) "All is well")true
pact> (enforce (= (+ 2 2) 4) "All is well")true

Because the specified expression (4 = 4) is true, the function returns true and the transaction continues.

If the expression were false, the transaction would fail with the error message "Chaos reigns". The enforce function provides a way to ensure conditions are met within a transaction.


Use enumerate to return a sequence of numbers from the specified first number to the specified last number, inclusively, as a list.

By default, the sequence increments by one from the first number to the last number. Optionally, you can specify an increment other than one to use between numbers in the sequence.

If you specify a first number that’s greater than the last number, the sequence decrements by one from the first number to the last number.

Basic syntax

To increment or decrement the sequence by one, use the following syntax:

(enumerate first last)
(enumerate first last)

To specify a value to increment or decrement the sequence by, use the following syntax:

(enumerate first last inc)
(enumerate first last inc)


Use the following arguments to define the beginning and end of the sequence you want to list using the enumerate Pact function.

firstintegerSpecifies the first number in the sequence.
lastintegerSpecifies the last number in the sequence.


Use the following option to define the increment to use between the beginning and end of the sequence in the enumerate Pact function.

incintegerSpecifies the increment to use between numbers in the sequence. The value can be a positive or negative integer.

Return values

The enumerate function returns the resulting sequence of numbers as a list.


The following example enumerates a sequence of numbers using the default increment of one in the Pact REPL:

pact>(enumerate 0 10)[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
pact>(enumerate 0 10)[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

The following example enumerates a sequence of numbers using an increment of two between numbers in the sequence:

pact>(enumerate 0 10 2)[0 2 4 6 8 10]
pact>(enumerate 0 10 2)[0 2 4 6 8 10]

The following example illustrates decrementing a sequence of numbers using an inc value of -2 between numbers in the sequence:

(enumerate 20 10 -2)[20 18 16 14 12 10]
(enumerate 20 10 -2)[20 18 16 14 12 10]


Use filter to filter a list of elements by applying the specified apply function to each element in the list. For each element in the list, the apply function should return true or flase to identify the elements that should be included in the filtered list.

Each element that returns a result of true from the apply function is included in the resulting list with its original value. With the filter function, you can include elements in a list based on a specific condition.

Basic syntax

To filter a list by applying a function to each element, use the following syntax:

(filter apply [elements])
(filter apply [elements])


Use the following arguments to specify the function and list for the filter Pact function:

applyfunctionSpecifies the function to apply to each element of the list. The return value for the function must be a Boolean (true or false) to identify elements to be included in the resulting list.
elements[any]Specifies the list of elements to filter. The elements in the list can be any data type.

Return values

The filter function returns a new list containing elements from the original list for which the apply function returns true.


The following example demonstrates how to use filter with a function that evaluates the length of strings to only include the strings with more than two characters:

(filter (lambda (str) (< 2 (length str))) ["my" "dog" "has" "fleas"])["dog" "has" "fleas"]
(filter (lambda (str) (< 2 (length str))) ["my" "dog" "has" "fleas"])["dog" "has" "fleas"]

In this example, (lambda (str) (< 2 (length str))) is used as the function that is applied to each element. This function checks the length of each element in the list. The filter function then filters the list ["my" "dog" "has" "fleas"] based on this condition. The resulting list only contains the elements that returned true when the function was applied. In this case, the resulting list is ["dog" "has" "fleas"].

In the following example, (compose (length) (= 3)) is the function applied to each element:

pact> (filter (compose (length) (= 3)) ["my" "red" "dog" "has" "fleas"])["red" "dog" "has"]
pact> (filter (compose (length) (= 3)) ["my" "red" "dog" "has" "fleas"])["red" "dog" "has"]

Like the previous example, the (compose (length) (= 3)) function checks the length of each element in the list. The filter function then filters the list based on this condition and the resulting list only contains the elements that returned true when the function was applied. In this case, the resulting list is ["red" "dog" "has"].


Use fold to iteratively reduce a list by applying the app function to the last result for each element in the list, starting with the specified init initial value.

You can use any data type for the value argument as long as the first oper1 functions can take that same data type. By convention, data type notation like <a> and <b> are used to represent type-bound parameters like the init and list arguments in this function.

Basic syntax

To iteratively reduce a list by applying a function to each element, starting with an initial value, use the following syntax:

(fold app init [list])
(fold app init [list])


Use the following arguments to specify the function, initial value, and list for the fold Pact function:

appfunction x: <a> y: <b> -> <a>Specifies the function to apply to each element and the last result.
init<a>Specifies the initial value for the reduction.
list[<b>]Specifies the list to iterate over.

Return values

The fold function returns the final result of the iterative reduction of the list.


The following example demonstrates the fold function:

pact>(fold (+) 0 [100 10 5])115
pact>(fold (+) 0 [100 10 5])115

In this example, (+) is used as the function to apply, which is addition in this case. The fold function starts with an initial value of 0 and iteratively adds each element of the list [100 10 5] to the previous result. Here's the breakdown:

  • Initial value: 0
  • First iteration: 0 + 100 = 100
  • Second iteration: 100 + 10 = 110
  • Third iteration: 110 + 5 = 115

The final result of the fold operation is 115. The fold function is commonly used for operations that require accumulating results over a list in Pact contracts.


Use format to input specified variables into a template string in the location specified using curly braces ({}) as template placeholders.

Basic syntax

To input variables into a template string where specified by the {} placeholders, use the following syntax:

(format template variables)
(format template variables)


Use the following arguments to specify the template string and variables for the format Pact function:

templatestringSpecifies the template string with {} placeholders.
variables[any]Specifies the variables to insert into the template placeholders.

Return values

The format function returns a new string with the values from the specified variables replacing the placeholder curly braces {} from the template string.


The following example demonstrates how to use the format function with "My {} has {}" as the template string with two {} placeholders:

pact> (format "My {} has {}" ["dog" "fleas"])"My dog has fleas"
pact> (format "My {} has {}" ["dog" "fleas"])"My dog has fleas"

In this example, the format function replaces the placeholders in the template string with the specified values ["dog", "fleas"] to return the result "My dog has fleas".

The format function is often used to create dynamic strings with variables inserted into specific locations in Pact contracts. For example, you can use the variables to store dynamic values like the current time:

(enforce   (>= curr-time release-time)   (format "Funds locked until {}. Current time: {}" [release-time curr-time]))
(enforce   (>= curr-time release-time)   (format "Funds locked until {}. Current time: {}" [release-time curr-time]))


Use hash-keccak256 to compute the hash of a list of unpadded base64url-encoded inputs VALUES. The hash is computed incrementally over all of the decoded inputs.

Basic syntax

To compute the hash of a list of inputs, use the following syntax:

(hash-keccak256 VALUES)


Use the following argument to specify the list of inputs for the hash-keccak256 Pact function:

VALUES[string]Specifies the list of unpadded base64url-encoded inputs.

Return values

The hash-keccak256 function returns a string representing the computed hash value.


The following examples demonstrate the hash-keccak256 function:

pact>(hash-keccak256 [])"xdJGAYb3IzySfn2y3McDwOUAtlPKgic7e_rYBF2FpHA"
pact>(hash-keccak256 [])"xdJGAYb3IzySfn2y3McDwOUAtlPKgic7e_rYBF2FpHA"

In this example, an empty list [] is provided as input. The hash-keccak256 function computes the hash of the empty list and returns the hash value.

(hash-keccak256 ["T73FllCNJKKgAQ4UCYC4CfucbVXsdRJYkd2YXTdmW9gPm-tqUCB1iKvzzu6Md82KWtSKngqgdO04hzg2JJbS-yyHVDuzNJ6mSZfOPntCTqktEi9X27CFWoAwWEN_4Ir7DItecXm5BEu_TYGnFjsxOeMIiLU2sPlX7_macWL0ylqnVqSpgt-tvzHvJVCDxLXGwbmaEH19Ov_9uJFHwsxMmiZD9Hjl4tOTrqN7THy0tel9rc8WtrUKrg87VJ7OR3Rtts5vZ91EBs1OdVldUQPRP536eTcpJNMo-N0fy-taji6L9Mdt4I4_xGqgIfmJxJMpx6ysWmiFVte8vLKl1L5p0yhOnEDsSDjuhZISDOIKC2NeytqoT9VpBQn1T3fjWkF8WEZIvJg5uXTge_qwA46QKV0LE5AlMKgw0cK91T8fnJ-u1Dyk7tCo3XYbx-292iiih8YM1Cr1-cdY5cclAjHAmlglY2ia_GXit5p6K2ggBmd1LpEBdG8DGE4jmeTtiDXLjprpDilq8iCuI0JZ_gvQvMYPekpf8_cMXtTenIxRmhDpYvZzyCxek1F4aoo7_VcAMYV71Mh_T8ox7U1Q4U8hB9oCy1BYcAt06iQai0HXhGFljxsrkL_YSkwsnWVDhhqzxWRRdX3PubpgMzSI290C1gG0Gq4xfKdHTrbm3Q"])
(hash-keccak256 ["T73FllCNJKKgAQ4UCYC4CfucbVXsdRJYkd2YXTdmW9gPm-tqUCB1iKvzzu6Md82KWtSKngqgdO04hzg2JJbS-yyHVDuzNJ6mSZfOPntCTqktEi9X27CFWoAwWEN_4Ir7DItecXm5BEu_TYGnFjsxOeMIiLU2sPlX7_macWL0ylqnVqSpgt-tvzHvJVCDxLXGwbmaEH19Ov_9uJFHwsxMmiZD9Hjl4tOTrqN7THy0tel9rc8WtrUKrg87VJ7OR3Rtts5vZ91EBs1OdVldUQPRP536eTcpJNMo-N0fy-taji6L9Mdt4I4_xGqgIfmJxJMpx6ysWmiFVte8vLKl1L5p0yhOnEDsSDjuhZISDOIKC2NeytqoT9VpBQn1T3fjWkF8WEZIvJg5uXTge_qwA46QKV0LE5AlMKgw0cK91T8fnJ-u1Dyk7tCo3XYbx-292iiih8YM1Cr1-cdY5cclAjHAmlglY2ia_GXit5p6K2ggBmd1LpEBdG8DGE4jmeTtiDXLjprpDilq8iCuI0JZ_gvQvMYPekpf8_cMXtTenIxRmhDpYvZzyCxek1F4aoo7_VcAMYV71Mh_T8ox7U1Q4U8hB9oCy1BYcAt06iQai0HXhGFljxsrkL_YSkwsnWVDhhqzxWRRdX3PubpgMzSI290C1gG0Gq4xfKdHTrbm3Q"])

In this example, a list containing multiple base64url-encoded strings is provided as input. The hash-keccak256 function computes the hash of all the inputs and returns the hash value.

The hash-keccak256 function is useful for computing hash values of data for various cryptographic operations in Pact contracts.


Use hash to compute the BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of a specified value. The resulting hash value is a Base64Url-encoded string without padding. Strings values are converted directly. Other data type values are converted using their JSON representation. Non-value-level arguments are not allowed.

By convention, the data type <a> is used to represent a type-bound parameter like the value argument in this function.

Basic syntax

To compute the BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of a value, use the following syntax:

(hash value)
(hash value)


Use the following argument to specify the value for the hash Pact function:

value<a>Specifies the value to be hashed.

Return values

The hash function returns a string representing the computed hash value.


The following example demonstrates how to use the hash function to compute a hash for the "hello" string value:

pact> (hash "hello")"Mk3PAn3UowqTLEQfNlol6GsXPe-kuOWJSCU0cbgbcs8"
pact> (hash "hello")"Mk3PAn3UowqTLEQfNlol6GsXPe-kuOWJSCU0cbgbcs8"

Because "hello" is a string value, the hash function computes the BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of the string "hello" and returns the hash value.

(hash { 'foo: 1 })"h9BZgylRf_M4HxcBXr15IcSXXXSz74ZC2IAViGle_z4"
(hash { 'foo: 1 })"h9BZgylRf_M4HxcBXr15IcSXXXSz74ZC2IAViGle_z4"

In this example, { 'foo: 1 } is a JSON object. The hash function computes the BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of the JSON representation of the object and returns the hash value.

The hash function is useful for generating hash values of data for various cryptographic operations in Pact contracts.


Use identity to return the provided value.

Basic syntax

To return the provided value, use the following syntax:

(identity value)


Use the following argument to specify the value you want to return using the identity Pact function.

valueanySpecifies the value to be returned.

Return value

The identity function returns the provided value.


The following example demonstrates the use of identity within a map function in the Pact REPL:

pact>(map (identity) [1 2 3])[1 2 3]
pact>(map (identity) [1 2 3])[1 2 3]

This example applies the identity function to each element in the list [1, 2, 3], effectively returning the same list.


Use if to test a condition. If the condition cond is true, evaluate the then expression; otherwise, evaluate the else expression.

By convention, the data type <a> is used to represent type-bound parameters that serve as input for functions and expressions or for generic arguments.

Basic syntax

To test a condition and execute different expressions based on the result, use the following syntax:

(if cond then else)
(if cond then else)


Use the following arguments to define the condition and expressions to be evaluated based on the outcome of the condition using the if Pact function.

condbooleanSpecifies the condition to be tested.
then<a>Specifies the expression to be evaluated if the condition is true.
else<a>Specifies the expression to be evaluated if the condition is false.

Return value

The if function returns the result of evaluating either the then expression or the else expression, depending on the outcome of the condition.


The following example demonstrates the use of if to test a condition in the Pact REPL:

pact>(if (= (+ 2 2) 4) "Sanity prevails" "Chaos reigns")"Sanity prevails"
pact>(if (= (+ 2 2) 4) "Sanity prevails" "Chaos reigns")"Sanity prevails"

In this example, the condition (= (+ 2 2) 4) evaluates to true, so the expression "Sanity prevails" is returned.

pact>(if (= (+ 2 2) 5) "Sanity prevails" "Chaos reigns")"Chaos reigns"
pact>(if (= (+ 2 2) 5) "Sanity prevails" "Chaos reigns")"Chaos reigns"

In this example, the condition (= (+ 2 2) 5) evaluates to false, so the expression "Chaos reigns" is returned.


Use int-to-str to represent an integer value as a string in a specified base. The base can be any integer from 2 to 16, or 64 for unpadded base64URL representation. Only positive values are allowed for base64URL conversion.

Basic syntax

To represent an integer value as a string in a specified base, use the following syntax:

(int-to-str base val)


Use the following arguments to specify the base and integer value you want to convert using the int-to-str Pact function.

baseintegerSpecifies the base in which the integer value will be represented as a string. It can be any integer from 2 to 16, or 64 for unpadded base64URL representation.
valintegerSpecifies the integer value to be converted into a string representation.

Return value

The int-to-str function returns the string representation of the integer value in the specified base.


The following examples demonstrate the use of int-to-str in the Pact REPL:

pact>(int-to-str 16 65535)"FFFF"
pact>(int-to-str 16 65535)"FFFF"

In this example, the integer value 65535 is represented as a string in base 16, resulting in "FFFF".

pact>(int-to-str 64 43981)"XA"
pact>(int-to-str 64 43981)"XA"

In this example, the integer value 43981 is represented as a string in base 64 (unpadded base64URL), resulting in "XA".


Use is-charset to check whether a string conforms to a supported character set. The character sets currently supported are CHARSET_LATIN1 (ISO-8859-1) and CHARSET_ASCII (ASCII). Support for additional sets, including those up through ISO 8859-5 supplement, will be added in the future.

Basic syntax

To check whether a string conforms to a specified character set, use the following syntax:

(is-charset charset input)


Use the following arguments to specify the character set and input string you want to check using the is-charset Pact function.

charsetintegerSpecifies the character set to which the input string should conform. Currently supported values are 0 for 'CHARSET_LATIN1' (ISO-8859-1) and 1 for 'CHARSET_ASCII' (ASCII).
inputstringSpecifies the input string to be checked for conformity to the specified character set.

Return value

The is-charset function returns a boolean value indicating whether the input string conforms to the specified character set.


The following examples demonstrate the use of is-charset in the Pact REPL:

pact>(is-charset CHARSET_ASCII "hello world")true
pact>(is-charset CHARSET_ASCII "hello world")true

In this example, the input string "hello world" conforms to the ASCII character set.

pact>(is-charset CHARSET_ASCII "I am nÖt ascii")false
pact>(is-charset CHARSET_ASCII "I am nÖt ascii")false

In this example, the input string "I am nÖt ascii" contains characters that are not part of the ASCII character set.

pact>(is-charset CHARSET_LATIN1 "I am nÖt ascii, but I am latin1!")true
pact>(is-charset CHARSET_LATIN1 "I am nÖt ascii, but I am latin1!")true

In this example, the input string "I am nÖt ascii, but I am latin1!" conforms to the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) character set.


Use length to return the number of elements in a list, a string, or an object.

Basic syntax

To compute the length of a list, string, or object, use the following syntax:

(length arg)
(length arg)


Use the following argument to specify the value for which you want to compute the length using the length Pact function.

arglist, string, or objectSpecifies the list, string, or object that you want to compute the length of.

Return value

The length function returns an integer representing the length of the specified list, string, or object.


The following example demonstrates calculating the length of the list [1, 2, 3] in the Pact REPL:

pact> (length [1 2 3])3
pact> (length [1 2 3])3

The following example calculates the length of the string "abcdefgh", resulting in 8.

pact> (length "abcdefgh")8
pact> (length "abcdefgh")8

The following example calculates the length of the object { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, resulting in 2.

pact> (length { "a": 1, "b": 2 })2
pact> (length { "a": 1, "b": 2 })2


Use list-modules to list modules available for loading.

Basic syntax:

To list available modules for loading, use the following syntax:


Return value:

The list-modules function returns a list of strings representing the available modules for loading.


The following example demonstrates the use of list-modules in the Pact REPL:

pact> list-modules
pact> list-modules

In this example, the available modules for loading are listed.


Use list to create a list from the specified elements. Note that this function is deprecated in Pact 2.1.1 with support for literal lists.

Basic syntax

To create a list from elements, use the following syntax:

(list elems)


Use the following argument to specify the elements from which you want to create a list using the list Pact function.

elemsanySpecifies the elements to be included in the list.

Return value

The list function returns a list containing the specified elements.


The following example demonstrates the use of list in the Pact REPL:

pact>(list 1 2 3)[1 2 3]
pact>(list 1 2 3)[1 2 3]

In this example, a list containing the elements 1, 2, and 3 is created using the list function.


Use make-list to create a list by repeating a specified value a certain number of times.

Basic syntax

To create a list by repeating a value a specified number of times, use the following syntax:

(make-list times value)


Use the following arguments to specify the length of the list and the value to be repeated using the make-list Pact function.

timesintegerSpecifies the length of the list to be created.
valueanySpecifies the value to be repeated to create the list.

Return value

The make-list function returns a list containing the specified value repeated the specified number of times.


The following example demonstrates the use of make-list in the Pact REPL:

pact>(make-list 5 true)[true true true true true]
pact>(make-list 5 true)[true true true true true]

In this example, a list containing the value true repeated 5 times is created using the make-list function.


Use map to apply an application function (app) to each element in a list (list), returning a new list of results.

You can use any data type for the list argument as long as the first app function can take that same data type. By convention, data type notation like <a> and <b> are used to represent type-bound parameters that serve as input for functions and expressions or for generic arguments.

Basic syntax

To apply an application function to each element in a list, use the following syntax:

(map app list)
(map app list)


Use the following arguments to specify the application function and the list of elements to be mapped using the map Pact function.

appfunction x:<b> -> <a>Specifies the application function to be applied to each element in the list.
list[<b>]Specifies the list of elements to be mapped.

Return value

The map function returns a new list containing the results of applying the application function to each element in the input list.


The following example demonstrates the use of map in the Pact REPL:

pact>(map (+ 1) [1 2 3])[2 3 4]
pact>(map (+ 1) [1 2 3])[2 3 4]

In this example, the application function (+ 1) is applied to each element in the list [1 2 3], resulting in a new list [2 3 4].


Use namespace to set the current working environment to the specified namespace value. After you declare the namespace you want to work with, all of the modules and functions you define are contained within that namespace.

You can access the modules and functions in a namespace by using their fully qualified name. The fully-qualified name includes the namespace string as a prefix before the module name. For example, if you declare a principal namespace such as n_14912521e87a6d387157d526b281bde8422371d1 for the module my-calculator, you can call functions in the module using a fully-qualified name similar to the following:

If you call the namespace function after the initial declaration, Pact creates a new namespace for all subsequent declarations until either the next namespace call or the end of the transaction.


You must define a namespace before you can set your working context to use the namespace function. For information about defining a namespace, see define-namespace.

Basic syntax

To set the current namespace to a specified value, use the following syntax:

(namespace namespace)
(namespace namespace)


Use the following argument to specify the namespace to be set using the namespace Pact function.

namespacestringSpecifies the name of the namespace you want to use as your working context.

Return value

The namespace function returns the string representing the namespace that has been set.


The following example demonstrates the use of namespace in a Pact script:

(namespace 'my-namespace)
(namespace 'my-namespace)

In this example, the current namespace is set to 'my-namespace'. All subsequent expressions within the same transaction will be contained in this namespace until a new namespace is set or the transaction ends.


Use pact-id to return the ID if called during the current pact execution, failing if not.

Basic syntax

To return the ID during the current pact execution, use the following syntax:


Return value

The pact-id function returns a string representing the ID of the current pact execution.


The pact-id function is called without any arguments. It returns the ID if called during the current pact execution.


In this example, pact-id is called to retrieve the ID of the current pact execution.


Use pact-version to obtain the current Pact build version.

Basic syntax

To obtain the current Pact build version, use the following syntax:


Return value

The pact-version function returns a string representing the current Pact build version.


The pact-version function is called without any arguments to obtain the current Pact build version.


In this example, (pact-version) is called, which returns the current Pact build version as a string.


Use poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain to compute the Poseidon Hash Function. Note: This is a reference version of the Poseidon hash function used by Hack-a-Chain.

Basic syntax

To compute the Poseidon Hash Function using the reference version, use the following syntax:

(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain i j k l m n o p)


Use the following arguments to specify the inputs for computing the Poseidon hash using the poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain Pact function.

i, j, k, l, m, n, o, pintegerSpecifies the inputs for the Poseidon hash function.

Return value

The poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain function returns an integer representing the computed Poseidon hash.


The following examples demonstrate the use of poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain in the Pact REPL:

pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1)pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1 2)pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1 2 3 4 5 6)pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1)pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1 2)pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1 2 3 4 5 6)pact>(poseidon-hash-hack-a-chain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

In these examples, different sets of inputs are provided to compute the Poseidon hash using the reference version. The function returns the computed hash value as an integer.


Use read-decimal to parse a key string or number value from the top level of the message data body as a decimal.

Basic syntax

To parse a key string as a decimal, use the following syntax:

(read-decimal key)
(read-decimal key)


Use the following argument to specify the key to be parsed as a decimal using the read-decimal Pact function.

keystringSpecifies the key string or number value to parse as a decimal.

Return value

The read-decimal function returns the parsed value as a decimal.


The following example demonstrates how to use the read-decimal function in a Pact script. This example parses the value specified for the amount key in the body of a message as a decimal and transfers it from one account to another:

(defun exec ()   (transfer (read-msg "from") (read-msg "to") (read-decimal "amount")))
(defun exec ()   (transfer (read-msg "from") (read-msg "to") (read-decimal "amount")))

You can also use read-decimal to read values from JSON object payloads.


Use read-integer to parse a key string or number value from the top level of the message data body as an integer.

Basic syntax

To parse a key string as an integer, use the following syntax:

(read-integer key)
(read-integer key)


Use the following argument to specify the key to be parsed as an integer using the read-integer Pact function.

keystringSpecifies the key string or number value to parse as an integer.

Return value

The read-integer function returns the parsed value as an integer.


The following example demonstrates how to use the read-integer function in a Pact script. This example parses the value specified for the age key in the body of a message as an integer:

(read-integer 'age)
(read-integer 'age)


Use read-keyset to read the specified key from the message data body as a keyset. A keyset consists of a list of keys (keylist) and, optionally, a predicate function (predfun).

Basic syntax

To read a key from the message data body as a keyset, use the following syntax:

(read-keyset key)
(read-keyset key)


Use the following argument to specify the key to be read as a keyset using the read-keyset Pact function.

keystringSpecifies the name of the key to be read from the message data body as a keyset.

Return value

The read-keyset function returns the keyset object corresponding to the specified key string.


The following example demonstrates how to use the read-keyset function in a Pact script. This example reads the object specified for the admin-keyset key from the body of a message as the name of a keyset object:

(read-keyset 'admin-keyset)
(read-keyset 'admin-keyset)


Use read-msg to read a specific key from the top level of the message data body, or to read the data body itself if a key is not provided. In reading the value, this function enforces its corresponding Pact type, such as string, integer, boolean, list, or object.

Basic syntax

To read the value for a specified key from the body of a message, use the following syntax:

(read-msg key)
(read-msg key)

To read the complete message data body, use the following syntax:



Use the following argument to specify the key to be read from the top level of the message data body using the read-msg Pact function.

keystringSpecifies the key to be read from the message data body (optional). If you don't provide this argument, the function reads the entire data body.

Return value

The read-msg function returns the value corresponding to the specified key from the message data body, or the entire data body if no key is provided. The data type for the return is its corresponding Pact type.


The following example demonstrates how to use the read-msg function in a Pact script. This example reads the from and to keys from the data body of a message as strings and the amount as a decimal:

(defun exec ()   (transfer (read-msg "from") (read-msg "to") (read-decimal "amount")))
(defun exec ()   (transfer (read-msg "from") (read-msg "to") (read-decimal "amount")))

This example illustrates how to use the read-msg function to extract specific values from the body of a message for further processing in a Pact script.


Use read-string to parse the specified key string or number value from the top level of the message data body as a string.

Basic syntax

To parse a key string as a string, use the following syntax:

(read-string key)
(read-string key)


Use the following argument to specify the key to be parsed as a string using the read-string Pact function.

keystringSpecifies the key string or number value to parse as a string.

Return value

The read-string function returns the parsed value as a string.


The following example demonstrates how to use the read-string function in a Pact script. This example parses the sender from the data body of a message as a string:

(read-string 'sender)
(read-string 'sender)


Use remove to remove an entry associated with a specified key from a specified object.

Basic syntax

To remove an entry for a key from an object, use the following syntax:

(remove key {object})
(remove key {object})


Use the following arguments to specify the key and object for removing an entry using the remove Pact function.

keystringSpecifies the key for the entry to be removed from the object.
objectobjectSpecifies the object from which to remove the entry.

Return value

The remove function returns the modified object with the entry associated with the specified key removed.


The following example demonstrates how to use the remove function in the Pact REPL. This example removes the entry for the bar key from the given object:

pact> (remove "bar" { "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }){ "foo": 1 }
pact> (remove "bar" { "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }){ "foo": 1 }


Use the resume function to resume execution of a step in a defpact. This function binds to an object produced by the yield function in the prior step of a pact. If the yield function is executed on a different chain, the resume function requires a simple payment verification (SPV) proof.

Basic syntax

To bind to a yielded object produced by a prior step execution, use the following syntax:

(resume binding)
(resume binding)


Use the following argument to specify the binding to be resumed using the resume Pact function.

bindingobjectSpecifies the binding representing the yielded object from the prior step execution.

Return value

The resume function returns the value bound to the specified BINDING.


The following example demonstrates how to use the resume function in a Pact script to bind to the yielded object sample produced by the previous step in the execution of a pact:

(resume sample)
(resume sample)

The following example illustrates using yield and resume functions in defpact steps:

(defpact deposit(sender:string receiver:string guard:guard amount:decimal)    @doc "Deposit KDA from L1 to L2"    @model [      (property (is-unit amount))      (property (is-principal sender))      (property (is-principal receiver))    ]    (step      (with-capability (LOCK_DEPOSIT sender)        (let ((deposit-details:object{deposit-schema}            { 'receiver : receiver            , 'amount   : amount            , 'guard    : guard            }          ))          (lock-deposit sender amount)          (enforce (validate-principal guard receiver) "Guard must be a principal")          (yield deposit-details "crossnet:L2.2")        )      )    )     (step      (resume        { 'receiver := receiver        , 'amount   := amount        , 'guard    := guard        }        (claim-deposit receiver guard amount)      )    )  )
(defpact deposit(sender:string receiver:string guard:guard amount:decimal)    @doc "Deposit KDA from L1 to L2"    @model [      (property (is-unit amount))      (property (is-principal sender))      (property (is-principal receiver))    ]    (step      (with-capability (LOCK_DEPOSIT sender)        (let ((deposit-details:object{deposit-schema}            { 'receiver : receiver            , 'amount   : amount            , 'guard    : guard            }          ))          (lock-deposit sender amount)          (enforce (validate-principal guard receiver) "Guard must be a principal")          (yield deposit-details "crossnet:L2.2")        )      )    )     (step      (resume        { 'receiver := receiver        , 'amount   := amount        , 'guard    := guard        }        (claim-deposit receiver guard amount)      )    )  )


Use reverse to reverse the order of specified elements in a list.

Basic syntax

To reverse a specified list of elements, use the following syntax:

(reverse [elements])
(reverse [elements])


Use the following argument to specify the elements to be reversed using the reverse Pact function.

elements[any]Specifies the elements in the list you want to be reversed.

Return value

The reverse function returns a new list with the elements in reverse order.


The following example demonstrates how to use the reverse function in the Pact REPL. This example reverses the order of numbers in the list:

pact> (reverse [1 2 3])[3 2 1]
pact> (reverse [1 2 3])[3 2 1]

In the following example, the reverse function reverses the order of strings in a list:

pact> (reverse ["lastname" "firstname" "age" "occupation"])["occupation" "age" "firstname" "lastname"]
pact> (reverse ["lastname" "firstname" "age" "occupation"])["occupation" "age" "firstname" "lastname"]

You can also reverse the order of objects in a list. For example:

(reverse [{"lastname":"pistolas","firstname": "lola"} {"lastname":"smith","firstname": "tim"}])[{"lastname": "smith","firstname": "tim"}{"lastname": "pistolas","firstname": "lola"}]
(reverse [{"lastname":"pistolas","firstname": "lola"} {"lastname":"smith","firstname": "tim"}])[{"lastname": "smith","firstname": "tim"}{"lastname": "pistolas","firstname": "lola"}]

This example illustrates how to use the reverse function to reverse the order of elements in a list in Pact.


Use the round function to round numbers to integers or decimals using banker's rounding. The function returns an integer value if you don't specify precision as an argument. If you specify the precision argument, the function returns a decimal value with the specified precision.

Basic syntax

To round a decimal value to the nearest integer, use the following syntax:

(round number)
(round number)

To round a decimal value to a specified precision, use the following syntax:

(round number precision)
(round number precision)


Use the following arguments to specify the value to be rounded and, optionally, the precision to round to using the round Pact function.

numberdecimalSpecifies the decimal value to be rounded.
precisionintegerSpecifies the precision to round to, if applicable (optional).

Return value

If no precision is specified, the round function returns the rounded value as an integer. If precision is specified, it returns the rounded value as a decimal value.


The following examples demonstrate the usage of the round function within the Pact REPL.

To round the decimal value 3.5 to the nearest integer:

pact> (round 3.5)4
pact> (round 3.5)4

To round the decimal value 100.15234 to 2 decimal places:

pact> (round 100.15234 2)100.15
pact> (round 100.15234 2)100.15


Use sort to sort a list of primitive values based on the values themselves or a list of objects based on specific fields within the objects. If you're sorting primitive values, they are sorted in ascending numerical or alphabetical order.

Basic syntax

Because sort is an overloaded function, there are two ways to use it. To sort a list of primitive values, use the following syntax:

(sort [primitives])
(sort [primitives])

To sort a list of objects based on specific fields, use the following syntax:

(sort [fields] [{object1} {object2} ...])
(sort [fields] [{object1} {object2} ...])


Use the following arguments to specify the values or fields for sorting using the sort Pact function.

primitives[integer, decimal, or string]Specifies the list of primitive values to be sorted.
fields[list]Specifies the list of fields within objects to be used for sorting.
object1objectSpecifies more or more objects to be sorted using the fields parameter.

Return value

The sort function returns a sorted list of values or objects based on the specified sorting criteria.


The following examples illustrate how to use the sort function to sort lists of values or objects in Pact.

The following example demonstrates how to the sort a list of primitive values [3, 1, 2] using of the sort function:

pact> (sort [3 1 2])[1, 2, 3]
pact> (sort [3 1 2])[1, 2, 3]

If you sort a list of string primitive values, they are sorted in alphabetical order. For example:

pact> (sort ["second" "day" "minute" "hour"])["day" "hour" "minute" "second"]
pact> (sort ["second" "day" "minute" "hour"])["day" "hour" "minute" "second"]

To sort a list of objects based on the 'age field:

pact> (sort ['age] [{'name: "Lin", 'age: 30} {'name: "Val", 'age: 25} {'name: "Kai", 'age: 21}])[{"name": "Kai","age": 21} {"name": "Val","age": 25} {"name": "Lin","age": 30}]
pact> (sort ['age] [{'name: "Lin", 'age: 30} {'name: "Val", 'age: 25} {'name: "Kai", 'age: 21}])[{"name": "Kai","age": 21} {"name": "Val","age": 25} {"name": "Lin","age": 30}]


Use str-to-int to compute the integer value of the string str interpreted in base 10, or in a specified base ,if provided. The str argument can be up to 512 characters. If you specify the base argument, it must be between 2 and 16, or 64 to perform unpadded base64url conversion. Each digit in the str argument must be in the correct range for the base.

Basic syntax

To compute the integer value of a string in base 10, use the following syntax:

(str-to-int str)
(str-to-int str)

To compute the integer value of a string in a specified base, use the following syntax:

(str-to-int base str)
(str-to-int base str)


Use the following arguments to specify the string value and, optionally, the base for conversion using the str-to-int Pact function.

strstringSpecifies the string value to be converted to an integer.
baseintegerSpecifies the base in which to interpret the string value (optional). Must be between 2 and 16, or 64 for base64url encoding without padding.

Return value

The str-to-int function returns the integer value computed from the input string str.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the str-to-int function to compute the integer value of a string in the Pact REPL.

To compute the integer value of the string "123456" interpreted in base 10:

pact> (str-to-int "123456")123456
pact> (str-to-int "123456")123456

To compute the integer value of the string "abcdef123456" interpreted in base 16:

pact> (str-to-int 16 "abcdef123456")188900967593046
pact> (str-to-int 16 "abcdef123456")188900967593046

To compute the integer value of the string "spirekey" interpreted in base 64 for base64url conversion without padding:

pact> (str-to-int 64 "spirekey")196368781690802
pact> (str-to-int 64 "spirekey")196368781690802


Use str-to-list to convert a specified string into a list where each element is a single-character string. Converting a string into a list can be useful for performing other more complex string manipulation tasks.

Basic syntax

To convert a string into a list of single-character strings, use the following syntax:

(str-to-list string)
(str-to-list string)


Use the following argument to specify the string to be converted into a list of single-character strings using the str-to-list Pact function.

stringstringSpecifies the string to be converted into a list.

Return value

The str-to-list function returns a list where each element represents a single character from the input string.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the str-to-list function within the Pact REPL.

To convert the string "hello" into a list of single-character strings:

pact> (str-to-list "hello")["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
pact> (str-to-list "hello")["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]

To concatenate spaces between each character in the string "abcde":

(concat (map (+ " ") (str-to-list "abcde")))" a b c d e"
(concat (map (+ " ") (str-to-list "abcde")))" a b c d e"


Use the take function to retrieve a specified number of values from a list (or string), or entries with keys specified in keys from an object. If the count argument is negative, values are taken from the end of the list. If the count exceeds the interval (-2^63,2^63), it is truncated to that range.

Basic syntax

Because take is an overloaded function, there are two ways to use it. To retrieve a specified number of values from a list or a string, use the following syntax:

(take count [list])
(take count [list])

To retrieve entries with specified keys from an object, use the following syntax:

(take keys {object})
(take keys {object})


Use the following arguments to specify the number of values to retrieve and the list or object to retrieve them from using the take Pact function.

countintegerSpecifies the number of values to retrieve from the list or string. If negative, values are taken from the end.
list[integer, decimal, or string] or stringSpecifies the list or string from which to retrieve values.
keys[string]Specifies the keys for the information you want to retrieve from the specified object.
objectobjectSpecifies the object from which to retrieve entries.

Return value

The take function returns a subset of values retrieved from the list or from the object based on the specified count or number of keys.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the take function in the Pact REPL.

To retrieve the first two characters from the string "abcd":

pact> (take 2 "abcd")"ab"
pact> (take 2 "abcd")"ab"

To retrieve the last three values from the list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:

pact> (take (- 3) [1 2 3 4 5])[3, 4, 5]
pact> (take (- 3) [1 2 3 4 5])[3, 4, 5]

To retrieve entries with the key 'name from the object { 'name: "Vlad", 'active: false }:

(take ['name] { 'name: "Vlad", 'active: false, 'age: 34 }){"name": "Vlad"}
(take ['name] { 'name: "Vlad", 'active: false, 'age: 34 }){"name": "Vlad"}


Use the try function to attempt a pure action, returning a default value in the case of failure. Pure functions and pure expressions perform operations that produce a resulting value with no side effects.

Pure functions always return identical results for identical arguments. Pure expressions don't allow mutable variables reference arguments, or input and output operations.

Unlike impure expressions that support reading and writing to tables and working with non-deterministic state, pure expressions:

  • Don't write to memory or perform input or output operations.
  • Don't work with non-deterministic state.

Basic syntax

To attempt a pure action and return a default value if the action fails, use the following syntax:

(try default ACactionTION)
(try default ACactionTION)


Use the following arguments to specify the default value and the action to be attempted using the try Pact function.

defaultanySpecifies the default value to be returned if the action fails.
actionanySpecifies the action to be attempted.

Return value

The try function returns the result of the attempted action. If the action fails, it returns the specified default value.


The following example demonstrates how to use the try function in the Pact REPL. This example attempts to use the enforce function to specify a condition. If the condition fails, the try function returns the default value 3:

pact> (try 3 (enforce (= 1 2) "this will definitely fail"))3
pact> (try 3 (enforce (= 1 2) "this will definitely fail"))3

If the enforce function specifies a condition that succeeds, the try function returns the result. In this case, the result is true:

(try 3 (enforce (= 1 1) "this will definitely fail"))true
(try 3 (enforce (= 1 1) "this will definitely fail"))true

In the following example, the default value is a string:

(try "this enforce fails" (enforce (= 2 1) "this will definitely fail"))"this enforce fails"
(try "this enforce fails" (enforce (= 2 1) "this will definitely fail"))"this enforce fails"


Use tx-hash to get the hash of the current transaction as a string.

Basic syntax

To obtain the hash of the current transaction, use the following syntax:


Return value

The tx-hash function returns the hash of the current transaction as a string.


The following example demonstrates how to use the tx-hash function in the Pact REPL. This example gets the hash of the current transaction:



Use typeof to return the data type of the specified value. The data type of the specified value is returned as a string.

Basic syntax

To determine the data type for a value, use the following syntax:

(typeof value)


Use the following argument to specify the value for which to determine the type using the typeof Pact function.

valueanySpecifies the value for which to determine the type.

Return value

The typeof function returns the data type of the provided value as a string.


The following example demonstrates how to use the typeof function in the Pact REPL. This example returns the data type of the value 'hello:

pact> (typeof 'hello)"string"
pact> (typeof 'hello)"string"

The following example returns the data type of the value 8:

pact> (typeof 8)"integer"
pact> (typeof 8)"integer"

The following example returns the data type of the value 4.3:

pact> (typeof 4.3)"decimal"
pact> (typeof 4.3)"decimal"


Use the where function to apply a specified application function (app) to a field (field) to evaluate the field value (value). The function returns a boolean value based on the result of the application. This function is most often used in conjunction with filter and select operations.

Basic syntax

To apply an application function to a field in a value, use the following syntax:

(where field app)
(where field app)


Use the following arguments to specify the field, application function, and value for evaluation using the where Pact function.

fieldstringSpecifies the field in the value to be evaluated.
appfunctionSpecifies the application function to be applied to the field.
valueobject:<{row}>Specifies the value containing the field to be evaluated.

Return value

The where function returns a boolean value based on the result of applying the specified application function to the field in the value.


The following example demonstrates how to use the where function in the Pact REPL. This example applies a condition for filtering a list of objects where the "age" field value is less than 20:

(filter (where 'age (> 20)) [{'name: "Mary",'age: 30} {'name: "Juan",'age: 15}])[{"age":15, "name":"Juan"}]
(filter (where 'age (> 20)) [{'name: "Mary",'age: 30} {'name: "Juan",'age: 15}])[{"age":15, "name":"Juan"}]


Use yield to yield an object for use with the resume function in the subsequent Pact step. Optionally, you can specify a target chain for executing the next step using automated a simplified payment verification (spv) endorsement-based dispatch.

Basic syntax

To yield an object for use with the resume function, use the following syntax:

(yield object [target-chain])
(yield object [target-chain])


Use the following arguments to specify the object and, optionally, the target chain for executing the subsequent step using the yield Pact function.

objectobjectSpecifies the object to be yielded for use with 'resume'.
target-chainstringSpecifies the chain ID on which the subsequent step should execute (optional).

Return value

The yield function returns the yielded object.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the yield function in a Pact script.

In the following example, the yield function creates an object with one key and value that can be passed to the resume function,

(yield { "amount": 100.0 })
(yield { "amount": 100.0 })

Optionally, you can specify a target chain for resuming the transaction. For example, to set the target chain to chain 8:

(yield { "amount": 100.0 } "8")
(yield { "amount": 100.0 } "8")

The following example illustrates using yield and resume functions in defpact steps:

  (defpact copy-account:string(account:string target:string)    (step      (with-capability (COPY_ACCOUNT account)        (with-read guard-lookup-table account          { 'webauthn-guard-name := guard-name }          (webauthn-guard.copy-account guard-name target)           (let ((yield-data:object{copy-account-schema} { 'guard-name : guard-name }))            (yield yield-data target)          )        )      )    )     (step      (resume         { 'guard-name := guard-name }        (continue (webauthn-guard.copy-account guard-name target))        (write guard-lookup-table target          { 'webauthn-guard-name : guard-name }        )        (coin.create-account (get-account-name guard-name) (get-account-guard guard-name))      )    )  )
  (defpact copy-account:string(account:string target:string)    (step      (with-capability (COPY_ACCOUNT account)        (with-read guard-lookup-table account          { 'webauthn-guard-name := guard-name }          (webauthn-guard.copy-account guard-name target)           (let ((yield-data:object{copy-account-schema} { 'guard-name : guard-name }))            (yield yield-data target)          )        )      )    )     (step      (resume         { 'guard-name := guard-name }        (continue (webauthn-guard.copy-account guard-name target))        (write guard-lookup-table target          { 'webauthn-guard-name : guard-name }        )        (coin.create-account (get-account-name guard-name) (get-account-guard guard-name))      )    )  )


Use the zip function to combine two lists using a specified function func into a new list. The length of the resulting list is determined by the length of the shortest input list.

Basic syntax

To combine two lists with a specified function f into a new list, use the following syntax:

(zip func list1 list2)
(zip func list1 list2)


Use the following arguments to specify the function and the lists that you want to combine using the zip Pact function.

funcfunctionSpecifies the function to combine elements from the two lists.
list1[any]Specifies the first list to be combined.
list2[any]Specifies the second list to be combined.

Return value

The zip function returns a new list containing elements combined from the input lists according to the specified function func.


The following examples demonstrate how to use the zip function in the Pact REPL. This example combines two lists of numbers using the specified addition (+) function a new list:

pact> (zip (+) [1 2 3 4] [4 5 6 7])[5, 7, 9, 11]
pact> (zip (+) [1 2 3 4] [4 5 6 7])[5, 7, 9, 11]

The following example combines two lists of numbers using the specified subtraction (-) function to create a new list:

pact>(zip (-) [1 2 3 4] [4 5 6])[-3, -3, -3]
pact>(zip (-) [1 2 3 4] [4 5 6])[-3, -3, -3]

The following example illustrate combining two lists using the multiplication (*) function to create a new list with its length determined by input list with the fewest items

pact> (zip (*) [1 2 3 ] [4 5 6 7 8])[4 10 18]
pact> (zip (*) [1 2 3 ] [4 5 6 7 8])[4 10 18]